Union Terrace Gardens on a sunny day.
Picture by Colin Rennie
Aberdeen City Council is on the lookout for a company to carry out the transformation of Union Terrace Gardens.
Under the city centre masterplan the area will be given a new walkway from Union Street, improved disabled access, a new entrance opposite His Majesty’s Theatre and the central lawn will be made available for large gatherings and events.
And now potential contractors are invited to come to an event to find out more about the work at the Town House on Thursday.
The work is expected to begin next year and the aim is to have it finished by the summer of 2020.
Councillor Marie Boulton, who heads up the project, said the vision for the area was close to being realised.
She said: “The masterplan vision respects Union Terrace Garden’s heritage while transforming it into a 21st Century green space.
“It’s tremendously exciting to have a reached the point where we can share detailed plans with potential contractors.
“We are now very close to seeing work start on the ground and transforming Aberdeen’s heart in line with the wishes of the community.”
Aberdeen City Council looks for company to carry out transformation of Union Terrace Gardens