NHS Grampian will consider a new agreement between Scotland’s northern health boards that would result in new employment contracts requiring certain staff to work outwith their regions.
The proposed memorandum of understanding between NHS Grampian, Highland, Orkney, Shetland, Tayside and the Western Isles has been designed to “facilitate mobile working by staff” across the six areas.
The memorandum, which will be considered by NHS Grampian’s board today, said: “The partners agree that the free movement of certain staff will be required for the delivery of a sustainable and resilient service across the north of Scotland boards.
“The free movement of these staff is intended to facilitate effective regional working ,allowing staff from one of the north of Scotland boards to have access to the required systems and information held by another north of Scotland board in order to provide services on behalf of that board.
The document said staff will be “fully involved and engaged” in the process.
It added: “In order to facilitate ease of staff working across the north of Scotland boards in the future, the partners intend that future employees are appointed on a contract of employment which includes regional working across the north of Scotland boards as a requirement of their role.”