Works to improve water mains in Stonehaven are expected to take six months to complete.
Work to upgrade the water mains in a north-east town gets under way this week.
The £900,000 project will see the restoration of 16 miles of mains in Stonehaven, using techniques such as mains lining, flushing of pipes and pipe replacement.
Scottish Water hopes the works will improve the condition of the water network throughout the town and ensure over 3,000 households and businesses continue to receive clear, fresh drinking water into the future.
The work, which starts today on Ramsay Road and Arduthie Road, will require some localised traffic management to be put in place.
Clive Duncan of Scottish Water said: “We appreciate the work itself will cause some disruption to our customers and would like to thank them in advance for their patience and understanding whilst we carry out these essential works.”
The full programme of works will take approximately six months to complete.