: MV Atlantic, with RNLI casualty care crew on board attending the injured harbour pilot, being escorted to her berth by Aberdeen Lifeboat
Aberdeen’s all-weather lifeboat was launched this afternoon to help a harbour worker who had been injured on a cargo ship.
The MV Atlantic was approaching Aberdeen Harbour when emergency crews were sent the call for help.
Volunteers on board the Bon Accord boat met the ship and transferred the passenger on board, where it transpired an Aberdeen Harbour pilot had suffered a leg injury.
A spokesman for Aberdeen lifeboat station said: “Aberdeen’s all weather lifeboat Bon Accord was paged at midday today and launched responding to a request to assist an injured person on board a cargo vessel approaching Aberdeen Harbour entrance.
“The volunteer crew rendezvoused with the vessel and transferred casualty care crew from the lifeboat to the vessel, where it transpired an Aberdeen Harbour pilot had been injured during transfer from the pilot cutter to the cargo vessel MV Atlantic.
“Lifeboat crew members and others cared for the casualty while MV Atlantic, escorted by the lifeboat, proceeded to her berth in Aberdeen Harbour.
“The casualty, who had a leg injury, was handed over to the care of the Scottish Ambulance Service.”
Lifeboat launched to help injured ship pilot in harbour