Scottish Water is investigating the loss of supply.
A burst pipe has left some north-east homes without water this evening.
Scottish Water says a number of properties in Westhill have been affected, with water seen gushing down the town’s Westwood Drive.
The body was made aware of the issues at around 9.55pm, and says it is organising a squad to carry out emergency repairs as soon as possible.
A spokesman said: “A burst water main has been reported at Westwood Drive, Westhill may be causing some customers to experience disruption to their supply.
“A squad will be organised and will be onsite ASAP to commence with the emergency repairs.
“We apologise for any inconvenience this may be causing customers and will provide a further update as soon as more information becomes available.”
Issue identified at #AB42 and an inspector is travelling to site to. Sorry for the inconvenience.