A team of youngsters has produced a video marketing the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses.
The four-minute promotional video of the heritage institute was released to the public yesterday on YouTube.
Kinnaird Head Castle Lighthouse plays a starring role in the production along with its artefacts and staff.
The Fraserburgh Aberdeen Foyer Princes Trust team was given the opportunity to work on a marketing campaign as a community project.
Fraserburgh Princes Trust team leader Matthew Noble said: “This is the first time we’ve done a marketing video like this – I was delighted they chose it as I’ve a history in film so could help out more.
“The Princes Trust teams come together to help those who maybe need a boost in confidence, work experience or something to help move them onto the next step in their lives.
“Part of the programme is to work on a community project and the group chose the marketing video after Lynda, the museum manager, pitched it.
“They worked on everything from the start to the end and were really enthusiastic. Hopefully we can produce more videos in the future, possibly advertising the whole area.”
Manager Lynda McGuigan came up with the idea for the project because she thought it would be a great challenge for the team.
She said: “Usually the groups are tasked with cleaning lenses or helping with organising so this is really special.”
Members of the team were given detailed tours and a chance to explore themselves while visiting the museum.
Mrs McGuigan added: “They chose to produce a video and it’s just excellent to see them do something like this for the community.”
Youngsters interested in getting involved with their local Princes Trust team should visit www.aberdeenfoyer.com/what-we-offer/training-course-advice/the-princes-trust-team/