Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Fraserburgh lifeboat called out to rescue stricken trawler By David Proctor April 3 2019, 7:01 am April 3 2019, 7:01 am Share Fraserburgh lifeboat called out to rescue stricken trawler Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeen-aberdeenshire/1714852/fraserburgh-lifeboat-called-out-to-rescue-stricken-trawler/ Copy Link Fraserburgh lifeboat helps Serenity get back to port A north-east lifeboat crew were yesterday called into action to help a stricken trawler. The Banff-registered Serenity was more than 100 miles from Fraserburgh when it reported engine problems. The volunteer crew was called out at around shortly before lunchtime to pull the vessel back to the town’s harbour. Another trawler named Uberous towed the boat back towards the port before the lifeboat took over for the final part of the haul. William McDonald, deputy coxswain of Fraserburgh lifeboat, said they were just helping the boat get safely back to port. He said: “It was a breakdown and just one of those things. We took over the tow just outside the harbour just so we could get them in.”