Plans for a new drive-though fast food restaurant have been approved for Peterhead.
Aberdeenshire Council planning officers have supported the application to build a 3,200sqft Burger King outlet at Burnside Road.
Mackie Ramsay Taylor Architects submitted the plans on behalf of Carnoustie Links Development Limited.
It is unknown when the work will begin on the restaurant at Burnside Business Park near the Invernettie roundabout.
The site near Invernettie roundabout in Peterhead.
Access to the premises would be from Burnside Road and pedestrian links will be developed as part of the work.
The supporting statement submitted with the proposal states: “There would a small drive-through Burger King unit and a small retail unit.
“The proposed use is consistent with planning policy and provides sustainable development of an appropriate scale for the site and should be supported.”
The application to erect an illuminated sign at the business park to advertise the fast food restaurant are still awaiting a decision.
Plans also contain details of two shopping units – Toolstation will be moving into the 5,000sqft space.
There will also be 50 car parking spaces to be shared by the companies at the site.