Macduff primary school could soon be the new home for the town's farmers market.
A north-east councillor has urged more people to shop locally to reduce their carbon footprint.
Ross Cassie is encouraging everyone to “look out for future generations” by buying local and believes it will make a genuine difference.
He said: “The market at Macduff is great and I’d encourage anyone to go along to it.
“With buying local, you know the produce isn’t being hauled from halfway around the world. We owe it to future generations to make a real effort to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Samantha Rawlins, the treasurer of Macduff Market, is also a big advocate of shopping locally.
She said: “Anyone can come to the market for fresh products direct from the producer. The fruit and veg isn’t sold in plastic packaging because we use paper bags which is better for the environment.”
Mrs Rawlins is also the co-owner of Florence and May and sells treats at the market.
She said: “Wherever possible, I am also trying to be more environmentally friendly with my packaging.”
The market will be at Macduff Primary School on Saturday at 9am to 12pm.
Councillor urges people to buy more local produce to reduce carbon footprint