Residents in Aberdeenshire will be reminded of which household waste can and cannot be recycled, ahead of major changes to collections.
A new cycle will be introduced next year, with non-recyclable waste collected once and recycling material twice every three week period.
Aberdeenshire Council says more than 70% of the waste produced in the area could be recycled using their services, but the current figure stands at only 43%.
Next week letters will be sent to all residents, outlining how they can best dispose of their rubbish.
The local authority’s waste manager, Ros Baxter, said: “From the proper disposal of food waste in your caddy to the wide range of materials which can go in your blue-lidded bin, this leaflet should be kept by every householder as a handy resource to further improve recycling across Aberdeenshire.”
New guide to help Aberdeenshire residents know what can and cannot be recycled