Young patients at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital have been writing emotional letters to some of the UK’s biggest sporting stars asking them to visit them ahead of the BBC Sports Personality of Year awards.
More than a dozen children have hand written letters to their favourite stars, hoping for an early Christmas present by inviting them to say hello when they are in Aberdeen next month.
The awards ceremony will be taking place at P&J Live on December 15 – the first time it has come to the Granite City.
One 15-year-old patient said that a visit from people the children “admire and idolise” would brighten up their day.
Click on the images below to read the letters
Another letter, signed by Grady, said: “I feel your visit could mean a lot and could put a smile on some of the children’s faces.
“I would hope that you would be able to tell them stories of your sporting achievements.”
Another patient, Amy, who was in Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital for a check-up took the time to write a letter asking sports stars to considering visiting the children who haven’t been able to go home yet.
She said: “As I sit here writing and waiting to be seen by my Oncology doctor for my yearly check up, I can hear children screaming as they get their bloods done.
“It makes me remember how I felt when I was in the same position – out of control.
“The reality for me was that I spent most of my time in the hospital, not having fun like most children are.
“I might be better now but there are still children whose reality is just as I described.
“I know that it would have meant the world to me to see some of my favourite sports heroes and even though this is not my reality now, I write to you to ask you to come and put a smile on their faces and give them a memory from hospital that’s not all about the medical things.”
The hospital has recently been the focus of a BBC Scotland series, with a second series having been confirmed for next year.
Play service manager at the hospital, Heather Beattie, said: “One of the children had the idea to invite some of the Sports Personality attendees and the idea has grown from there.
“Some of the letters are addressed to individual sports stars while others are addressed generally to attendees.
“Most of the children have said they’d love it if Andy Murray or Lewis Hamilton could make time to come and see them.
“Others would love to see athletes including Katarina Johnson-Thompson and some of our gymnasts.
“We’ll just have to hope they see the letters and have time to come and say ‘hello’ – we’ve our fingers crossed.”
One letter, addressed to the recently crowned F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, from a 10-year-old cystic fibrosis patient, said: “I think the children that have to stay in hospital would love you and others sports people to come and visit them while you are up in Aberdeen.”