L-R: Tracy Fleming and daughter Ella, Sonia Pirie and shop owner Des Cheyne.
The annual mission of the Deveron Giving Tree to ensure no north-east children wake up without a present has begun.
This weekend saw the launch of the 2019 appeal by Home-Start Deveron and the Spotty Bag Shop.
Customers at the Banff shop will be asked to add a little something to their basket – toys, books, clothing or toiletries – to be handed over to vulnerable children of all ages.
Operating through the Deveron area, Home-Start managed to reach 130 families last year and Des Cheyne of the Spotty Bag Shop is hoping they can build on that this year.
“As we’re now approaching another Christmas we’re launching our appeal to help provide gifts to those in need.
“By offering a four-figure sum we’re starting it off but we wouldn’t be able to reach the number of people we do without our generous customers and the hard work of Home-Start Deveron.
“Christmas is a wonderful time of the year and it fills us with delight knowing children in our area won’t be waking up with no presents under their tree.”
Deveron Giving Tree returns after helping more than 130 families last year