The new leader of Aberdeen City Council’s SNP group has said it is “entirely possible” that the Nationalists could soon seize control of the chambers.
It was yesterday announced that members had voted unanimously for Alex Nicoll to take over the reins of the group from Stephen Flynn – who was elected as MP for Aberdeen South at the general election.
The ward councillor for Kincorth, Nigg and Cove said he was “deeply honoured” to be selected, and pledged to hold the Labour, Conservative and Independent administration to account at “every opportunity”.
Mr Flynn will step down at the start of March, sparking a by-election in the Kincorth, Nigg and Cove ward.
And there have been calls for Torry and Ferryhill member, Alan Donnelly, to resign after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting a man last month.
Donnelly has already been turfed out of the Tory group and, should he quit, that would mean by-elections are held to replace he and Mr Flynn.
Mr Nicoll said the SNP could grab power if two by-elections are held, and the group wins both.
He said: “It would be entirely possible that we could take control of the council with the two by-elections that would create.”
Northfield and Mastrick North councillor, Jackie Dunbar, will remain as depute leader.
Aberdeen City Council co-leader, and head of the local Conservative group, Douglas Lumsden described the appointment of Mr Nicoll as a “strange choice”.
He said: “From what we hear, he isn’t very popular within his own group so I can’t imagine him being popular with the people of Aberdeen.
“I always felt Stephen Flynn was someone I could approach and have a good conversation with, but it probably won’t be the same with Mr Nicoll if I’m honest.
“I am focused on doing the best for the council and I’ll always work with who I can to do the best for this city.”
Mr Nicoll responded that it was “laughable” that Mr Lumsden claimed to be on good terms with Mr Flynn, after “calling for his resignation just two weeks after the birth of his first child”.