A Stonehaven dentist has revealed plans to relocate to modernise and expand his practice.
Kenneth Jones runs Arduthie Dental Practice in the town.
Now, he has applied for planning permission to convert a house in Kirkton Road to provide purpose-built facilities there are not space for at the current practice.
Planning documents, submitted by Groundwater Architectural Design, state: “Our client currently runs a successful dental practice which has been operating in in Stonehaven for over 15 years and is looking to expand his business and provide purpose‐built facilities which he is unable to do so at the current location.
“He has the opportunity to purchase the dwelling at the above with the intention of developing the site to create a state‐of‐the‐art facility with three treatment rooms.”
The current building is in poor condition, suffering from wet rot due to deterioration of the roof, which will need to be repaired.
If plans are approved, there will be 11 car spaces at the dental practise, including one disabled space.
The practice hours would be between 7.45am and 5pm and it is anticipated the number of people on site at any one time would be less than 20, including eight staff.
Developers have also promised to create a formal access road from the practice onto Kirkton Road, in accordance with current roads department guidance.
Planners will consider the project in the coming weeks.