Rotary members Eleanor Macalister and Hilary Gordon.
A rotary club has raised nearly £1,000 for a charity that improves education for children in Nepal.
Hundreds of thousands of children in villages across rural Nepal sit in broken and bare classrooms, but First Steps Himalaya is working to change that and train up teachers.
Rotary clubs in Scotland have been involved with the charity since 2010.
Ythan Rotary Club got involved more recently, but have already raised hundreds for both First Steps Himalya and disaster relief charity Shelterbox.
The Ythan Valley Rotary club during a Sleep Out event earlier this year
Spokeswoman Hilary Gordon said: “Ythan Valley was very pleased to coordinate the donations from local Rotarians and clubs to send to this deserving project.
“As a former teacher, I recognise the value of good quality education and have witnessed the transformation in Nepal.”
Fionna Heiton, founding director of First Steps Himalaya, said: “The support from the rotary clubs that contributed means that we are able to continue our vital work in rural Nepal providing young children with the quality education they deserve.”
Aberdeenshire rotary club raises hundreds for Nepal charity