A north-east Boys Brigade battalion is “determined” to help its members stay active during lockdown.
Following government advice issued last month on social distancing, all face-to-face activities and events were suspended across Scotland.
As a result, a new online programme of activities for children and young people to use at home was launched.
The companies that make up the Buchan Battalion are “determined” to ensure members can still take part in as much of the programme as possible.
President of the Buchan Battalion, Duncan Leel, said: “Our 10 local companies and the battalion, through their Facebook groups, are keeping parents and boys informed of the materials available online.
“The timing of the lockdown has meant that companies across Buchan have been unable to host their end of session parent evenings where boys have the opportunity to showcase their skills and trophies and medals are issued.”
The new #BBatHome programme is available across all its age groups and will be available to non-members as well as existing members.
The new resources are being published every Friday on The Boys’ Brigade’s website and via an email alert that parents can sign up for.
Director for the Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, John Sharp said: “For a period of time, things must work differently to how they have ever worked before in our 136-year history.”
More information can be found on the BBatHome Facebook page.