Elizabeth Oates has been making scrubs to donate to NHS workers and carers.
A woman from a north-east town has been spending lockdown making scrubs and face masks.
Elizabeth Oates, from Cruden Bay, has been making scrubs for NHS staff and carers as well as face masks for anyone who needs them.
The retired teaching assistant started the project a few weeks ago and said her good deeds have been beneficial for her mental health during lockdown.
She said: “This is something that keeps me busy especially since I live on my own and I’m not able to see my family right now. Since I’m retired, I’ve been doing this every day.”
She has already made more than 150 face masks which are available for anyone who needs them in return for a small donation to either Cancer Research or Parkinson’s.
Mrs Oates, 65, said: “The charities are close to my heart and I used to do the race for life but this is still something I can do from home to help raise funds while normal fundraising events can’t take place right now.”
Good Samaritans have also been donating even if they haven’t requested a face mask. Mrs Oates said: “It’s going much better than I expected” and she has raised almost £200 for Cancer Research and over £1oo for Parkinson’s.
North-east woman makes scrubs and face masks for those who need them