Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Missing 21-year-old from Aberdeenshire found safe and well following appeal By Kirsten Robertson May 24 2020, 7:18 pm May 24 2020, 7:18 pm Share Missing 21-year-old from Aberdeenshire found safe and well following appeal Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeen-aberdeenshire/2212181/missing-21-year-old-from-aberdeenshire-found-safe-and-well-following-appeal-articleisfree/ Copy Link A missing Aberdeenshire man has been traced following an appeal to the public. Police said Connall Mackenzie, 21, was reported missing and was last seen in the Westhill area at 12pm today. The force has since confirmed he has been traced safe and well.