Aberdeen Foyer has been lent a helping hand by the Morrisons Foundation after receiving a £5,225 cash grant.
It is hoped the money will help the charity in its mission to support young homeless people across the local region.
Support is expected to ensure that food and essential items will continue to be provided for 50 young homeless tenants – each of whom are currently living in supported accommodation throughout the coronavirus pandemic and beyond.
Brenda McGinlay, Business Development Manager at the charity said: “The young people we support have faced really tough situations and Covid-19 has created additional barriers and increased anxiety.”
“The grant we received from the Morrisons Foundation has helped us ensure the young people we work with have been able to stay connected and access online support.
“It has also relieved the worry faced by many around accessing and paying for essential items including electricity/gas, food, toiletries and cleaning products.”
“One of the biggest hits was the vinyl gloves which were not easy to source locally and for those who were worried about shopping, they gave them added confidence and reduced anxiety and vulnerability. A big thank you to the Morrisons Foundation.”