A north-east garden group is encouraging people to show off their gardens for the community’s annual contest.
Cromar and District’s Horitcultural and Industrial Society’s annual show has been cancelled this year due to coronavirus.
However, the group has decided the amateur gardens and garden elements section of the schedule will go ahead for 2020.
Now they are calling on budding gardeners, who live within a 20 mile radius of Tarland, to show off their handiwork – with hopes high that there will be an array of beautiful displays due to lockdown giving people more time to tend to their flowers and plants.
Details and entry form can be found on the Cromar and District Horticultural and Industrial Society – Visit Tarland website.
All entries must be received by Sunday, August 2 and gardens will be judged on Thursday August 6.
Send entry form and £3 membership subscription to show secretary Liz Cooper, Longfold Steading, Tarland, AB34 4UR or e-mail showsecretary@mossl.co.uk
For more information call 01339 881010.
Budding gardeners urged to show off talents in competition