One of Aberdeen’s most historic sites will open its doors to the public next weekend.
The Bon Accord Baths celebrated their 80th birthday this year and to celebrate, visitors will be allowed to explore the site next Saturday and Sunday.
A group of volunteers are attempting to revitalise the long-forgotten baths and eventually reopen them to the public.
Bon Accord Heritage has been working on making the location visitor-friendly since the end of lockdown and is launching a fundraising campaign to help with this.
The open days will allow the Aberdeen public in to see their beloved baths 80 years on from its official opening.
There will be an area focusing on the history of the site, along with the group’s project to save the building and its future plans.
In addition, the charity will be able to provide a view of the spectacular pool hall.
The public will have the chance to see the results of the cleanup project which has been ongoing over the past couple of weeks with help from local businesses.
A vital fundraising campaign will also be launched that weekend to help pay for essential work required on the building.
Bringing back the pool for community use is the charity’s long-term aspiration, however the art-deco building requires more immediate work to stabilise its condition against further winters.
This will then allow the charity to open more areas of the building for community activities and events.
The open days will take place on Saturday September 12 and Sunday September 13 from 10am until 4pm.
There will be a number of social distancing measures put in place to make sure the area is Covid-19 secure.
They include 2m distancing and members of the public being asked to wear face coverings when inside the building and to sanitise their hands upon entry.
Limited numbers will be allowed in the building at any one time, and the charity asks that members of the public spread visits over the two days and attend at quieter times if possible.
If any members of the public have additional support needs and would like to visit please contact to discuss support requirements.