Leslie Forsyth, Rediscover Peterhead and councillor Ann Allan in Peterhead.
Picture by Jim Irvine
Peterhead is to become the latest north-east town to host a monthly producers’ market from next spring.
First, though, it will hold a festive market at Drummers Corner on Saturday, November 28, before it becomes a regular town centre feature on the first Saturday of each month from April.
Leslie Forsyth, Rediscover Peterhead business improvement district manager said the town is well placed to support a market.
He said: “There is good evidence that markets help to bring shoppers into town centres, and that’s what we are hoping to see in Peterhead.
“Anything we can do to encourage people to shop in the town centre has to be a good thing for everyone.”
The market will run from 10am to 3pm and any suppliers interested in attending can contact the Rediscover Peterhead website or Facebook page or email mail@rediscoverpeterhead.co.uk
New monthly market coming to north-east hopes to boost town’s businesses and traders