Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Emergency services called to fire in Insch By Michelle Henderson December 16 2020, 11:30 pm December 16 2020, 11:30 pm Share Emergency services called to fire in Insch Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeen-aberdeenshire/2744926/emergency-services-called-to-fire-in-insch/ Copy Link Appliances from Huntly, Insch and central station in Aberdeen are currently in attendance. Firefighters are currently at the scene of a dwelling fire in a north-east village. Emergency services received the call at 9.35pm to reports of a property ablaze in Culsalmond, Insch. Two appliances and an aerial pump from Huntly, Insch and central station in Aberdeen remain station at the scene. Crews are currently using one hose reel jet, one main jet and small tools to extinguish the blaze. The stop message came in 11.21pm.