Hundreds of council homes are a step closer to being built on the northern edge of Aberdeen – despite an eleventh hour effort to derail the plans.
More than 500 are in line to be put up by Bancon Homes at Cloverhill, immediately east of Ellon Road in Bridge Of Don.
And the developer is closer than ever now, having gained sign off for a number of planning conditions placed upon them by the council.
Since gaining planning permission in principle last November, a deal has been struck meaning all the new builds will be council housing.
The local authority is working to bring thousands of new homes to the city to ease pressure on waiting lists and to bring the latest energy efficiencies to housing stocks.
Around 370 of the new properties will be detached, semi-detached and terraced housing with more than 160 flats.
However, the plans were hauled before councillors – rather than being rubberstamped by planners – because Bridge Of Don Community Council lodged an objection to the very idea of having houses on the site.
Concerns about overrun schools and health facilities brought to councillors
The local reps raised concerns that the suburb’s medical facilities and schools are already at capacity, that the homes would add to traffic congestion on the A92 Ellon Road, and that shops and community facilities promised as part of the scheme would never come to fruition.
Due to the number of schoolchildren expected to live there, the speed limit on the dual carriageway from the Murcar roundabout to the former AECC will be lowered to 4omph, down from 60mph.
Previously, developers agreed to pay between £1.31 million and £2.98m to boost local services – including extensions to both Scotstown School and Scotstown Medical Practice.
A community meeting space and full-sized football pitch are also expected to be included, valued at around £1.67m for the local community.
Housing at Cloverhill already approved in principle
Planning officials recommended councillors sign off on the preparatory work submitted for approval – which addressed the phased construction, detailed design, safe routes to school, noise and tree surveys and community facilities.
Case officer Gavin Evans told members that there were no grounds to reject the concept of housing on the site due to last year’s decision.
He said: “The principle of residential development has been established by the earlier granting of planning permission in principle.
“The proposal remains consistent with the key principles established by the earlier approval.”
Additional conditions were placed on the builders to limit the use of the properties to social rented housing, define which businesses could set up shop there and make sure streets and lanes are constructed with safety in mind.
The plans were approved unanimously by councillors.