Resident checked over by ambulance after fire in lobby of Aberdeen high-rise By Craig Munro August 2 2021, 5:57 pm August 2 2021, 5:57 pm Share Resident checked over by ambulance after fire in lobby of Aberdeen high-rise Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link Hutcheon Court alongside Greig Court. Picture by Chris Sumner A resident of a high-rise in Aberdeen has been checked over by paramedics following a lobby fire that brought five appliances to the scene. The fire service was called to Hutcheon Court, beside the Mounthooly Roundabout, just after 6pm. An ambulance was also called to the scene as a precautionary move, and one resident was given a check-up. Fire engines sent from Aberdeen Central and Altens worked to put the fire out within 15 minutes. A fire spokesman said: “We had a call to a fire on the ground floor of Hutcheon Court at around 6.07pm. “It was extinguished by 6.20pm, after we used two breathing apparatus, one hose-reel jet and two PPV fans to ventilate the building. “There were three appliances there from Central and two appliances from Altens along with two officers. “One resident was given a precautionary check-up.” This article originally appeared on the Evening Express website. For more information, read about our new combined website.