The 16 Days of Action against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that starts on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until December 10, Human Rights Day.
This year marks the 30 year anniversary of the international campaign.
We are working closely with our partners throughout the campaign and in addition, we are running proactive operational activity to prevent abuse and to keep people safe.
We have domestic abuse-focused days planned throughout the north-east divisional area, taking action to prevent domestic abuse, including contacting high-risk victims to make sure they are safe, to serving warrants on perpetrators.
Consent, domestic abuse, forced marriage and human trafficking are just some of the important concerns being highlighted.
Campaign asks men to ‘look in the mirror’
We continue to support our partners and community as we get involved in a series of activities at professional sporting events, community meetings virtually and in-person as well as visiting gyms and attending workshops – all in a bid to raise awareness of the help and support available.
Gender-based violence is an ongoing threat in our local communities and the events and activities that are planned demonstrate that we will not tolerate violent behaviour and abuse and tackling and preventing it continues to be a priority.
Details of these will be on our Facebook and Twitter social media.
In October 2021, Police Scotland launched a new campaign to tackle sexual violence against women. The “That Guy” campaign asks men to “look in the mirror” and change their common behaviours which women find intimidating or threatening.
Its aim is to urge men to take responsibility for their actions and language to help affect a culture change to tackle sexual crime against women.
In the video, male actors address the viewer directly and explain how gestures that can be dismissed by some as insignificant can form part of a larger problem, from unwanted compliments to calling a woman “doll”.
Support services have adapted to pandemic
This campaign focuses on men’s attitudes and behaviours, and what all men can do to hold each other to account and prevent abuse. Women should be able to go about their daily lives without worrying about being sexually harassed, assaulted or raped.
The campaign advert is on That Guy Scotland YouTube or on That Guy’s website.
Despite Covid restrictions having been lifted, the pandemic is very much still with us and still affecting those who experience domestic abuse.
If you are required to self-isolate or quarantine, support and domestic abuse services are still available to help you think through your safety options and provide emotional support.
Support services have adapted the way they work to ensure you can still get the help you need.
Some of the main contact numbers, and our social media accounts, are listed below. There is also a wealth of advice on our website.
- Police Scotland
If you are in danger and it is an emergency, call 999. For non-emergencies call 101. - National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Free and confidential advice. Open to all. 24 hours a day.
Telephone: 0800 027 1234. Website: - Grampian Women’s Aid
Telephone: 01224 593381. Website: - Rape Crisis Grampian
Telephone: 01224 590932. Website: - North East Division of Police Scotland’s Facebook page and Twitter accounts, @NorthEPolice, @AberdeenCPolice, @ShireNPolice, @ShireSouthPol and @MorayPolice.
For all the latest court cases in Aberdeen, as well as the latest crime and breaking incidents, join our new Facebook group HERE.