77 homes could be built on Inverurie slaughterhouse site
The Garioch area committee yesterday granted planning permission in principle to ANM Group Ltd's plans for the Scotch Premier Meat Ltd site on Inverurie's Old Chapel Road.
Aberdeenshire councillors yesterday gave their backing for plans to demolish a north east slaughterhouse and office building and use the land for homes.
The Garioch area committee yesterday granted planning permission in principle to ANM Group Ltd’s plans for the Scotch Premier Meat Ltd site on Inverurie’s Old Chapel Road.
Under the proposals, all existing buildings would be demolished and 77 homes would be built on the site.
These would include a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced houses and three small blocks of flats.
Among them would be 19 affordable homes.
The building is said to have been used as a slaughterhouse for around 100 years, and was expanded in both the 1970s and 1990s.
Two letters of objection have been raised with regard to the plans, one of which sited over-development on the site.
However, the committee reports on the plans argued that the development would not “cause the loss of any open space or woodland” and would not create “a barrier to further development elsewhere”.
77 homes could be built on Inverurie slaughterhouse site