“They are our brother Slavs, we stand with them against the domination of Russia.”
These are the impassioned words to the people of Ukraine from Poland’s honorary consul, Zosia Fraser, based in Inverness.
As news of the Russian invasion into Ukraine broke, concerns were raised for the families of the north-east’s Polish community, who still have relatives living near the Polish Ukrainian border.
Barney Crockett, Lord Provost of Aberdeen, said: “It’s a terribly worrying time for people in Aberdeen who have relatives in Poland. Poland shares a border with Ukraine and the wider impact of what’s happening today will be wide reaching.
“I’ve heard that there could be as many as a million Ukrainians already in Poland and there will no doubt be fears around whether young people will be conscripted to stand against Russia if needed. That will be a huge worry for our Polish community here.”
‘There will be a lot of worry, stress and fear’
There an estimated 3-4,000 Polish people living in the north-east, according to the consulate, and many like Ms Fraser, will have ties to Ukraine.
She said: “There are strong links between Ukraine and Poland – my own father was born in Ukraine –Â so I can only imagine what he would be saying today.
“Along that border region there a lot of older Polish people – many of whom will be the grandparents of people living in Scotland.
“There will be a lot of worry, stress and fear. And a lot of unsubstantiated rumours flying around.
“I can’t comment on conscription but believe we will know more by later today or tomorrow in terms of how things are progressing. It’s a time to try and remain calm although I can well understand being scared, because I felt exactly the same way when Poland had martial law imposed a long time ago.
“It’s a terribly difficult situation and my support goes to the Ukrainian people, they are brother Slavs with us and they are struggling for an independent sovereign state.”
Ms Fraser, who is the former chairwoman of Inverness Polish Association, also believes a substantial amount of Ukrainian nationals have crossed the border into Poland.
“I don’t have numbers but we do believe that people have been entering Poland… getting away to safety by any means possible,” she said.
Describing Russia as a “frightening power” she added: “We will support Ukraine against the domination of Russia.”