Gallery: Did you do the Time Warp with The Rocky Horror Show at HMT?
ByScott Begbie & Katherine Ferries
Picture of fans of The Rocky Horror Show who have dressed up.
Pictured are from left, Mandy Innes, Fiona Derrett, Donna Brodie, Jessica Innes and Amy Morrison
Fans have been getting into the spirit – and the costumes – of their favourite Rocky Horror Show characters at His Majesty’s Theatre this week.
A huge part of the show is audience participation – including dressing up in outrageous costumes from French maid outfits to sparkly hats, white lab coats to basques and stockings.
We dropped by the theatre to catch some of the fans as they made their way in to enjoy the antics of Frank N Furter, Brad, Janet, Riff Raff, Magenta and, of course, Rocky.
Our photographer Chris Sumner went along.
Take a look and see if you recognise anyone, or maybe even yourself…
Picture of fans Alex Brown, Amy Lamb and Lee Davidson who have dressed up for The Rocky Horror Show.
“Great Scott” Aidan Culquhon
If you take a jump to left, there’s a good chance you’ll land on someone dressed as a French maid, pictured is Kelly McIntosh.
Science fiction (uh uh) double feature.. Pictured are Andrew Meff and Tamsin Williams dressed up ready for a The Rocky Horror Show.
Pictured is Evangeline Farmer looking wonderful as a French Maid
“Don’t dream it, be it” Many fans dressed as Rocky characters, pictured are from left, Iola Farquhar, Molly Farquhar, Karen Farquhar and Mckayla Marr.
Averil Duncan and Bethany Morris looked amazing as the characters from The Rocky Horror Show. Columbia and a French maid.
All dressed up ready for fun night ahead. Kate Witte and Barbara Harrower.
James Beattie wild and untamed
Pictured is Etty Duthie and Louise Bennett
Friends arrive for a fun-filled night with friends, laughter and fabulous show. Pictured are from left, Garry and Madge Kennie
Even the Staff got into the time-warp. Pictured from left, Callum Sturgeon, Matilde Amadei, Shovonne Alexis, Jessica Buchan, Caroline Wilhelmsson, Ada Odazhieva and Stevo McHugh
Bright smiles ahead of a great night, dressed up in bow ties and Rocky Horror T-shirts. Pictured are from left, Jane Lawrie, Nicky Gordon and Leigh Keith
“Madness takes its toll” on the staff Stevo McHugh
I remember doing the Time Warp.. Pauline McNab and Sarah Barclay
Pictured is Vicki Thomson
Katie Thomson dressed up for the show
A night to remember for many, pictured is Doreen Henderson and Elaine O’Donnell
“You’re into the time slip” Karen Wilson and Jane Massey
Pictured is Neil Yates and Rachel Brown
Fantastic outfits, pictured is Rozlyn Clark and Sam Clark
It’s astounding how many fans dressed up. Pictured are from left, Linda Henderon, Gemma Joss, Donna Gear, Claire Crichton and Emma Thomson
Pictured are Jane Moncur and Karen Hedley as two French maids
Picture is Hannah and Allan Clark
It’s just a jump to the left. Pictured is Lauren Gale and Nikki Lindsay
And then a step to the right.. Pictured is Ann Smart, Courtney Reid, Tegwen Reid and Zoe Grant
Put your hands on your hips Pete and Debbie Faiers
Gallery: Did you do the Time Warp with The Rocky Horror Show at HMT?