Many an enthusiastic whale spotter came out to catch a glimpse of the animals, with a number of people also sharing their own photos online.
Orcas pod spotted in Fraserburgh
The pod is believed to be migrating between Scotland and the west of Iceland. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The pod of orcas is now on the move. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The pod moved on from Fraserburgh on Monday, May 16. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The first two weeks in May are the best time to spot orcas near Fraserburgh. Picture by Steve Truluck.
Fraserburgh is a key area in Scotland for these killer whales. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The pod was spotted nearly every day for a week. Picture by Steve Truluck.
Steve Truluck has noticed a patter over the years of what the animals do. Picture by Steve Truluck.
A pod of orcas were seen in Fraserburgh for a week. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The group is known as the “169s”. Picture by Steve Truluck.
New calf keeps close to its mother as they hunt for food. Picture by Steve Truluck.
Steve Truluck shared photos from the pod of orcas spotted in the Fraserburgh area. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The animas were in the Fraserburgh area for around a week. Photo: Steve Truluck.
Killer whales come into Scottish waters on the hunt for food, such as seals. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The orcas drew in a crowd of spectators. Picture by Steve Truluck.
The pod of killer whales contains two mothers and two calves. Picture by Steve Truluck.
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Best pictures of the orca pod spotted near Fraserburgh