Three men, aged 18, 33, and 47, and a woman, aged 38, have been arrested and charged after the cyber fraud. Image: Shutterstock
Two teenagers allegedly involved in a cyber scam operating out of Peterhead and London have been reported.
Police from the north-east raided a property in London as part of the operation, which has left a number of people out of pocket.
North East Police Division teamed up with The Met for the operation.
They say more than £10,000 has been lost as a result of the cyber fraud.
A 17-year-old male has been charged in connection with fraud and money laundering. He will be reported to the procurator fiscal in due course.
A 19-year-old woman will also be reported in connection to the offences.
Detective Inspector Martyn Thomson, of the Divisional Cyber Enabled Crime Team, has encouraged the public to report any potential cases of fraud.
He said: “Organised crime groups go to great lengths to manipulate and exploit the most vulnerable within our communities by using any means necessary, however working with law enforcement partners across the UK we aim to disrupt such individuals to protect our communities.
“I would urge anyone who thinks that they may have been the victim of fraud to contact their bank or financial provider and to report the matter to police on 101.”
Two teenagers reported following investigation into cyber fraud operating from Peterhead