People in Aberdeen will be given the chance to run the rule over plans for a new recycling centre at two public exhibitions later this month.
They will take place at the Thistle Hotel in Souter Head Road between 1pm-8pm on Wednesday, February 25 and the following day.
The Sita UK scheme involves creating a recycling and waste management facility on the Altens East Industrial Estate.
Aberdeen City Council is expected to make a decision on the proposals later this year.
Sita claims its project would increase recycling, reduce waste and create up to 40 new jobs.
Aberdeen City Council currently pays £5million a year in landfill tax, which will increase unless waste is reduced.
From 2021 councils in Scotland will be banned from putting biodegradable waste into landfills, and so the city needs a new strategy.
The Scottish Government has set a target of 70% of waste being recycled by 2025.
Sita UK’s operations manager in Aberdeen, Colin Forshaw, said: “We are proposing to build a new centre on the Altens Industrial Estate, which will enable the city to increase recycling and will process the remaining black bag waste so that it can be exported out of the area and put to good use as a fuel to help produce power for homes and businesses.”