Doric writers are leading the call for people to share their real-life adventure tales in a national writing programme.
Scots Scriever Shane Strachan and spoken word artist Mae Diansangu are encouraging members of the public to join a national writing project launched by the Scottish Book Trust.
In its 15th year, Scotland’s Stories is an annual writing opportunity giving people the chance to share a true story from their life – the theme for this year is adventure.
A selection of stories submitted will be published in a free book and distributed during Book Week Scotland.
The Scottish Book Trust has commissioned pieces from writers to go alongside the stories from the public, including both Mr Strachan and Miss Diansangu from Aberdeen who will be writing in the Doric tongue.
Poet, columnist and performer Len Pennie, author and food writer Sumayya Usmani and Gaelic writers Seonaidh Charity and Alistair Paul have also been commissioned to write pieces for the programme.
The opportunity is open to everyone, whether they write regularly or haven’t penned anything since school.
Marc Lambert, chief executive of the Scottish Book Trust, described the writing project as one of the charity’s “highlights”.
He said: “This opportunity is open to anyone, whether you see yourself as a writer or not. It’s a privilege to collect and share these stories.
“We’d love to see as many people as possible pick up a pen and enjoy the positive benefits of writing for pleasure and share a story of adventure and what that means to them.”
Share your story in your dialect
Submissions of up to 1,000 words can be written in Scots, Doric, Gaelic, or English, in any form, such as a written story, poetry, comic strip, play or letter.
Audio and video formats are also welcomed by the programme.
Alison Lang, director of the Gaelic Books Council, said: “Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi cuspair na bliadhna, ‘dànachd’, a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gu bhith a’ cur peann ri pàipear.
“Tha Seonaidh Charity, Alistair Paul agus ùghdaran stèidhichte eile air pìosan a sgrìobhadh mar-thà, agus tha sinn airson guthan a’ mhòr-shluaigh a chluinntinn cuideachd mar phàirt den iomairt inntinneach seo.
“Siuthadaibh, ma-tà… agus bithibh dàna.’
Translation: “We hope that this year’s subject, ‘adventure’, will inspire people to put pen to paper.
“Seonaidh Charity, Alistair Paul and other established authors have already written pieces on this theme, and we want to hear the voices of the public too as part of this fascinating initiative.
“So get writing… and let the spirit of adventure lead you.”
Stories should be submitted by Friday, June 2 on the Scottish Book Trust website, or by post to: Scotland’s Stories, Scottish Book Trust, Sandeman House, Trunk’s Close, 55 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR.