Person trapped in car following two vehicle crash in Aberdeenshire By Kieran Beattie April 26 2015, 5:38 pm April 26 2015, 5:38 pm Share Person trapped in car following two vehicle crash in Aberdeenshire Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link One person was left trapped in their vehicle following the accident A person was left trapped in a car following a crash on an Aberdeenshire road. Police were called out to the scene of the crash on the A920 just north of Insch at the junction with the B992 road at 4.40pm. Half an hour later at 5.10pm two fire vehicles were also called to the scene to free one person from the wreckage. A police spokesman said: “There doesn’t appear to be any serious injuries.” The road is currently partially blocked, but traffic is still managing to get past.