Trade unions, politicians and civic groups will celebrate International Workers Day with a May Day march and rally in Aberdeen on Saturday.
The event has been organised by the Aberdeen Trades Union Council (ATUC).
Marchers are being asked to assemble at Rubislaw Terrace for 10.30am before setting off at 11 am along Union Street to the Castlegate.
Kate Ramsden, ATUC vice president said: “The aim of the May Day march and rally is to show solidarity across borders and to call for an end to austerity which leaves so many people in this country, one of the richest in the Western world, poor and dependent on foodbanks whilst the wealth of the richest keeps on growing.
“Ours is a family friendly march and once again this year will be led off by the Guarana Drummers, as our flags and banners make their way along Union Street.”
Speakers at the rally will include Ian Tasker of the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and Aberdeen against TTIP.