The 70th anniversary show for Fraserburgh Junior Arts Society was always going to be special – but nothing prepared them for the sheer joy of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
With the Broadway and West End show in town, a large cast and a 15-piece orchestra – from all over the north-east – this year has gone beyond anyone’s expectations.
The annual show has been dedicated to Alice Irvine, a stalwart supporter of the group, who died in May.
Co-producer Lewis Platt described the show as “absolutely amazing” and said the buzz from the crew, orchestra and cast has been “heart warming.”
Mr Platt, who last year received a video from Dame Judi Dench in support of his work, said: “Chitty arrived last Monday, and since then it has been a lot of fun.
“It is something the Broch has never seen. It is going to be wonderful.”
Not only does the show have Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – the car of the show – it also has Truly Scrumptious ‘ bike and the Baron’s car.
Fraserburgh Junior Arts Society welcomes ‘Chitty’
“We have never had technical machines like them in our shows,” Mr Platt said.
“From tonight, the people of Fraserburgh and beyond are in for a great treat.”
Some tickets are still available for the show, and can be purchased here.
Mr Platt continued: “Everybody at the band call said it was an amazing show and we can not wait to share it with our audience.
“The production team has been so encouraging and if something wasn’t working they have gone out of the way to help resolve it. ”
He says everyone has been amazed by the technology within the vehicles and the things they can do.
“The joy on the faces of Aidan and Maggie, who play Jeremy and Jemima, when they first went over the cliff on Chitty was incredible. I can’t wait for other people to share in that joy.”
Mr Platt said all the shows were dedicated to Alice, someone who gave many years of service to Fraserburgh Junior Arts Society.
He said: “We will be thinking of her, as we put on our shows this week. She would have loved it.”