Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Motorbike bursts into flames on Aberdeen’s Beach Boulevard Members of the public watched as fire crews hosed down the bike. By David Mackay July 11 2023, 4:11 pm July 11 2023, 4:11 pm Share Motorbike bursts into flames on Aberdeen’s Beach Boulevard Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeen-aberdeenshire/5936797/motorbike-fire-beach-boulevard-aberdeen/ Copy Link Fire crews were called shortly before 3.30pm. Image: Supplied Fire crews have been called to a motorbike that burst into flames near Aberdeen beach. Emergency services were called shortly before 3.30pm following reports of a vehicle on fire on Beach Boulevard. Pictures from the scene show smoke rising from the remains of the motorbike at the junction with the Esplanade. One fire engine was sent to the scene. Image: Supplied. It is understood the road was blocked while fire crews hosed the motorbike down but no roads have been closed. It is not known how the motorbike caught fire. Members of the public can be seen watching as fire crews worked at the scene. The fire service confirmed it sent one fire engine to the scene of the motorbike fire on Beach Boulevard in Aberdeen.