LittleĀ Amber-Rose might only be just under a week old, but she’s already givenĀ her mum, dad and auntie enough excitement to last a lifetime.
After experiencing rapid contractions and sharp pain in her stomach proud mum Kelly Fraser knew it was time for the little bundle of joyĀ to come into the world and join her family.
But when she called her sister Sarah-Louise to drive her to the hospital, she had no idea that her baby’s auntie was about to become her midwife.
When Sarah-Louise arrived at Kelly’s home in Northfield, she got the surprise of her life as her sister just started crowning.
Mum Kelly said: “It was about 1am on Sunday and we called up the labour ward to tell them we were coming, and within five minutes Sarah had arrived to take us to the hospital.
“I had literally stood up off the toilet and my water broke just before she arrived.
“I was standing up in the bathroom, arched over the bath, and Sarah came in to help me. I couldn’t move,Ā I told her that it was coming right now.
Auntie Sarah said: “I was trying to pull her along, and tell her that she has to get moving to the hospital.
“I asked her to stand up, and I kind of looked under and saw that the baby was crowning.
“I phoned for an ambulance at 1.15am, and the baby was born exactly ten minutes later at 1.25am.
“I stood under her with my arms out, telling her to push, and before I knew it the baby was out and in my arms, I basically caught her in mid-air.
“I watch a lot of One Born Every Minute, so I knew the baby had to whimper if she was all right, so her dad Philip who was just behind me passed me a towel and I rubbed her until she made a noise, and then I knew she was OK.
“The pramedics who
But despite her dramatic entrance, at seven pounds and eleven and a half ounces little Amber-Rose is a healthy, bouncing baby, and has been behaving like a little angel all week, getting to know her two sisters Erin and Katie.
Mum Kelly added: “She’s not been crying at all, mostly snoozing away. We absolutely love her to bits.”