Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Two people rescued from rocks near Aberdeen beach after emergency response Police were first to arrive at the scene and helped the pair to safety. By Louise Glen March 18 2024, 8:12 am March 18 2024, 8:12 am Share Two people rescued from rocks near Aberdeen beach after emergency response Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeen-aberdeenshire/6405466/aberdeen-beach-rock-rescue/ Copy Link Aberdeen beach - where concerns for persons was raised overnight. Image: Shutterstock. Emergency services rushed to a call in the early hours of this morning at rock armour near Aberdeen beach. A member of the public called 999 after seeing two people on the rocks, and raised concerns. Police, coastguard teams, as well as the two RNLI Aberdeen crews, rushed to the scene at around 2 am this morning. Officers from Police Scotland were first on the scene and helped the two people back to safety. A spokesperson for the coastguard said: “We were called to a concern for a person incident at the rock armour on Aberdeen Beach. “We tasked the Aberdeen Coastguard coastal teams and two RNLI lifeboats from Aberdeen. “The police were first to arrive at the scene and extracted the people by helping them walk off from the area they were in. “A member of the public alerted us to the incident.” The crews were stood down by HM Coastguard before they arrived at the scene.