A fast-food fanatic who has visited all 61 Wimpy locations across the UK finished his impressive tour in Fraserburgh last week.
Anthony Zupnik, 36, from Leeds, completed the mammoth task in a 31-day period by visiting two restaurants per day.
Along the way, the claimed the title of the UK’s most avid Wimpy fan by covering 2,400 miles and eating over 40,000 calories – tasting every menu item.
The trip cost him £1,000 and required three weeks holiday from his job as a software engineer.
But, it was all worth it in the end as he managed to raise over £6,800 for Teenage Cancer Trust.
He said that he embarked on the task as a thank-you for the charity’s support after his testicular cancer diagnosis at only 22-years-old.
He finished the tour on Wednesday July 31 at the Broch’s Hanover Street location, where the red carpet was rolled out for him.
Anthony finished tour in ‘great’ town of Fraserburgh
Staff at the fast-food joint welcomed Anthony with ‘finish-line’ signs and he said that the Aberdeenshire seaside town “was great.”
To round out his Wimpy marathon, he ordered his favourite dish which is a quarter-pounder burger with ketchup and onions accompanied with chips.
He spent five hours in the Broch, before heading back to his native Yorkshire after claiming a job well done.
He said: “Fraserburgh was great, in terms of the Wimpy, it was very similar to the ones that I grew up in.
“They had slightly different furnishing that what I remember in other stores.
“The owner was very welcoming he let me put a finish banner for a promo short without any problem.
“I also shaved my head outside it!
“I promised that I would do that if my campaign reached over £5,000.
“The food was great as well.”
He also visited the town’s lighthouse museum.
He added: “It’s something that, to be honest, I didn’t think I would be interested in, but there is a rich history especially in Scotland.
“They have the only man-powered lighthouse in the UK. So we went up and got to see it in action, it was really cool.
Tour was ‘one-of-a-kind experience’
Following the tour the he said that it has been a “brilliant” month.
“It’s been an unbelievable experience, it’s had its ups and downs. The downs haven’t been that bad,” he added.
“I’ve been a sick a couple of times, my bike was broken and I even went to the wrong Wimpy a couple of times!”
“It was brilliant though, the support that I’ve had from Teenage Cancer Trust has been fantastic.
“Everyone at Wimpy has been brilliant with me, they treated me well and it was the same with the other customers in the store as well.
“The support was great from everyone.
“I’m very happy with what I’ve raised, it was double of what I aimed for.
“It’s not just about money either, it’s also about awareness and I think we have helped with that.”
Despite the tour being over, you can support Anthony’s fundraiser here.