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Mum urges non-fatal strangulation to be made a crime following daughter’s tragic death

University of Aberdeen student Emily Drouet took her own life after being abused by her ex-boyfriend.

Emily Drouet took her own life at Aberdeen University in 2016 - and now there could be a change in the way such cases are investigated.
Emily Drouet took her own life at Aberdeen University in 2016 - and now there could be a change in the way such cases are investigated.

A campaigner is calling for non-fatal strangulation to be made a standalone offence following the tragic death of her daughter.

Fiona Drouet’s daughter Emily, a University of Aberdeen law student, was just 18-years-old when she took her own life in 2016.

Several days prior she had been choked and slapped by her ex-boyfriend.

Angus Milligan subjected Emily to physical and psychological abuse at her halls of residence, and later pleaded guilty to assault and threatening behaviour.

He was sentenced to 180 hours community service in 2017.

Emily Drouet died in March 2016.

Emily’s mother, Fiona, has now launched a petition to make non-fatal strangulation (NFS) a standalone offence.

NFS is currently classed as assault in Scotland, while laws recognising it as a ‘serious crime’ have already been introduced in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Fiona told BBC Drivetime that she thinks “the law does not go far enough” in Scotland.

She highlighted that with NFS, victims are eight times more likely to be murdered by the person who strangled them.

Mum thinks NFS ‘absolutely impacted’ Emily’s decision to take her own life

“We can’t ignore that or treat that like common assault because it’s far more complicated, far more complex, and far more dangerous,” Fiona said.

“It’s really difficult thinking about your daughter being strangled to the point she thought that she was going to die.

“And we absolutely think that impacted her own decision to take her own life.”

Fiona Drouet, with Emily’s dad Germain, has been campaigning since the tragic death of her daughter.

When asked if she believed the legislation would have made a difference in her daughter’s case, Fiona responded: “I think we could’ve seen the perpetrator potentially getting a sentence that would’ve protected the public.

“I think 180 hours of community service is not sufficient.

“I don’t think it reflects the seriousness of the crime, and it certainly doesn’t reflect the trauma that was placed on Emily.”
