Fire at Northfield - picture courtesy of Paul Wilson
A plume of thick, black smoke could be seen rising from the city tonight as a fire raged in the grounds of an Aberdeen business.
Three crews were sent to SIG Roofing at the Granitehill Enterprise Centre on Quarry Road, Northfield, around 8pm.
A spokesman for the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service said call handlers received “numerous” 999 calls from concerned members of the public as the fire took hold and smoke covered the area.
It emerged that a stash of pallets had caught fire within the grounds of the roofing business, which is near Allan Douglas Park.
Fire fighters took around 20 minutes to extinguish the flames, using one hose reel jet.
A police spokesman also confirmed officers attended the scene, assisting the fire service with ensuring the scene was safe.
PICTURE: Thick smoke covers Aberdeen as fire takes hold