If you have serious concerns for your own or someone else’s safety, it’s important to call 999.
If you are distressed, struggling to cope or have thoughts of suicide, you can contact NHS 24 by phoning 111, or Samaritans by phoning 116 123 or emailing jo@samaritans.org.
In non-urgent situations, you can contact the SAMH information service (9am-6pm, Mon-Fri) to chat about mental health or get more information about mental health support in your area on 0344 800 0550 or info@samh.org.uk.
You can text Shout on 85258 any time. Or call Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87 Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am or between Friday 6pm-Monday 6am.
RSABI has a 24/7 Helpline 0808 1234 555 and live webchat via www.rsabi.org.uk plus a welfare team based throughout Scotland.
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Mother of RGU student who took her own life ‘overwhelmed’ by fundraiser support