Cyril Whittaker celebrated turning 102 years old with a shot of rum alongside friends, nurses, and comrades from the Royal Navy.
The Royal Navy Association set the mood by playing some classic tunes before presenting the man of the moment with a bottle of rum.
Shots were dished out between the veterans as well as residents from the Woodlands Carehome in Aberdeen.
While his far-flung family were unable to attend, Cyril received a call from both his son in Canada and his daughter in Australia on Thursday morning.
And he still got to spend the day with his loved ones from home, including his favourite nurse Prashna.
Cyril has made the most of his 102 years, having many adventures on the HMS Spirit submarine.
His service on the vessel was just one part of a decorated career at sea with the navy – though he never did quite get around to learning to swim.
Nurse shares kind words for centenarian Cyril
Everyone in attendance was delighted Cyril could turn out for his birthday despite falling ill the night before.
Prashna Koirala, a nurse at Woodlands, describes Cyril as a “grandfather” figure.
As a nice surprise for the centenarian, he was welcomed into the cafe area at the home with salutes from his fellow veterans.
“Cyril can be quite stern at times, but he’s always very sweet with me,” said Prashna.
“He’s like a grandfather figure for me.”
In fact it sounds as though the 102-year-old has made a lasting impression on all the staff.
Prashna said: “Cyril loves to have his time to himself but is always making jokes when he sits with us.
“Starting his day, he’s always enjoyed some porridge and honey, or even, as he would call it, a “posh” cooked breakfast.
“Cyril has played such an important role in the everyday lives of all of us at Woodlands.”
Given his service, a nip of Navy Rum seemed the perfect gift for Cyril on his big day.
“He loves a rum and whisky”, said Prashna.
“I remember last year he was sent a bottle of rum and got a little tipsy.
“This year I think just the one shot was enough!”
Celebrations with a shot for Cyril
The Royal Navy Association were in attendance at the celebrations, bringing with them an array of gifts – including that special bottle of rum.
Ray Clarke a veteran from the RNA said: “It was an honour and a privilege for us to be here today.
“As we say, if you’re once Navy, you’re always Navy.”
Doug Armstrong, an ex-submariner said: “The submarine I was on was relative luxury compared to what Cyril had to deal with.
“Cyril and his crew did a fantastic service.”
Susan Falcus of the RNA said: “He was tired but you could see that glimmer of the old sailor with the tot of rum.
“It was almost away before the photographer got a chance to snap him with it.
“I nearly went at the end. It was very emotional.”
Cyril Whittaker – 102 years well spent
Cyril was born on February 6, 1923, to George and Alice (nee Blades) Whitaker in Goole Yorkshire.
He has a younger sister, Audrey who was born eight years after Cyril, and currently lives in South Shiels.
After finishing up at his local grammar school, where he spent his final years as head boy, Cyril enlisted in the Navy in 1941 at age 18.
Sticking to his plan of staying on the ship so he didn’t have to learn how to swim, Cyril started as a radio operator on a North Sea minesweeper.
During this period he was sent to Aberdeen for training and it was there that he met Margret Young, who was working in a local baker’s.
Cyril then joined up with the submarine service on the HMS Spirit.
He was stationed out of Perth, Australia, and patrolled the South China Sea.
Cyril and Margaret continued to communicate throughout the war and married at St Andrew’s Cathedral in Aberdeen in 1948.
Their son John was born a year later and daughter Anne followed in 1956.
After leaving Aberdeen, Anne headed to Adelaide, Australia, and John to Toronto, Canada where they each still reside.
In retirement, the couple spent holidays in Australia and Canada, up until Margaret was diagnosed with Dementia.
Cyril had his own health issues, surviving two separate bouts of cancer, the last of which was 20 years ago.
Margaret passed away five years ago, after more than seventy years of marriage.
Since then Cyril has spent his days cheering up staff and residents at Woodlands Carehome.