Council tenants across Aberdeenshire will see their rent rise by 5% from the start of April as the local authority looks to claw back crucial cash.
The move will mean residents’ weekly charge will go up by an average of £4.63.
So for example, someone currently paying £92.56 would find their weekly payment hiked to £97.19.
A three-year strategy of a 5% rent rise was agreed ahead of the council setting the budget last year.
It’s believed the move would generate more than £4.69m for the local authority over the period.
A further 5% increase is therefore expected to come into force next year too.
‘Appropriate’ rent rise came after discussion with tenants
The proposed rent change went before elected members earlier today.
Infrastructure director Alan Wood said the fees and charges for the next 12 months were seen as “consistent and appropriate”.
While councillor Anne Stirling said the increase had been the product of an “in-depth engagement” with residents.
She added: “It was clear from the consultation that both current and prospective tenants wanted stable rises in place.
“Despite the financial pressures upon us, these are considered to continue to be affordable to both tenants and the housing revenue account.”
What else will change?
The 5% rise will also be in effect at the gypsy/traveller sites at Greenbanks in Banff and Aikey Brae near Mintlaw.
Meanwhile, rent for allotments across the region will rise by 5% too.
However, there is one positive to come from the discussions.
Heat and light charges for the next year will be reduced by 24%.
This would see the average charge for a three-bedroom property fall from £60.90 to £46.53 per week.
Anyone paying a heating only charge will also see their bill decrease.
Using a two-bedroom home as an example, that weekly charge would drop from £21.67 to £16.56.
The new rates will come into force across Aberdeenshire on April 1.
Read more:
- Council housing tenants across Aberdeenshire to pay price as rent increases needed to raise millions
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