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Ban branded ‘joke’ for Peterhead driver who left woman trapped in car

The victim, a mum of two, said: "I'm thankful every day that my children weren't in the car and that I came out of that situation alive."

Josh Haggath, left, has been banned from the road. Right, Kelly Buchan's vehicle following the crash. Image: DC Thomson/Supplied
Josh Haggath, left, has been banned from the road. Right, Kelly Buchan's vehicle following the crash. Image: DC Thomson/Supplied

A Peterhead man who caused an injured woman to become trapped in a car has been given a one-year road ban – a sentence she has branded a “joke”.

Josh Haggath was driving on the B9033 Fraserburgh to St Combs road on July 7, 2022, when he pulled out on another motorist when there was insufficient time to do so and caused her car to collide with him.

As a result, mum of two Kelly Buchan became trapped within her own vehicle until emergency services could cut her free.

She suffered two fractured vertebrae and ruptured her spleen.

Haggath, now 22, escaped without serious injury.

He appeared at Peterhead Sheriff Court for sentencing on Monday.

Sheriff David Mackie banned Haggath from driving for 12 months and also fined him £1,000.

Kelly Buchan’s car at the side of the road following the crash. Image: Supplied

‘I’m thankful every day’

Speaking to the Press and Journal after the case, Ms Buchan said her world had become “so much smaller” due to the crash.

She branded the sentence a “joke”.

“I’m still very reclusive,” she said.

Ms Buchan added: “I was diagnosed with PTSD and I suffer with irregular cortisol levels from the incident.”

After the crash, Ms Buchan spent five days in hospital and described the ordeal as a “blur”.

She added: “I just remember I was in a lot of pain and vomiting a lot.

“I remembered that my brother was in the car comforting me, but that obviously wasn’t the case – I hit my head rather hard.

“The fact he was only banned for 12 months is a joke.

“He pulled out at an open junction while I was driving at 60mph.

“I’m thankful every day that my children weren’t in the car and that I came out of that situation alive.

“If it wasn’t for my mum and dad helping me after the accident, I don’t know what I would have done.”

Josh Haggath leaves Peterhead Sheriff Court at an earlier hearing of the case. Image: DC Thomson

Banned but won’t resit test

During the hearing, defence agent Gregor Forbes said his client made mention of poor visibility on the day of the crash.

However, Mr Forbes added: “Mr Haggath has taken full responsibility.

“Mr Haggath has demonstrated a huge insight of the impact these injuries have had on the complainer.”

The hearing itself was adjourned briefly while a legal discussion took place to determine if Haggath would be required to resit his test before getting back behind the wheel.

It resumed when an agreement was reached he would not.

“For the avoidance of doubt, there is no requirement to resit the driving test,” Sheriff Mackie said.