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Gallery: Shoppers flock to Huntly Farmers Market

Held on the first Saturday each month, the event draws crowds of locals and tourists alike. 

This month's Huntly Farmers’ Market was a great success, bringing together locals and visitors to enjoy the best of local produce. Image: Ethan Williams
This month's Huntly Farmers’ Market was a great success, bringing together locals and visitors to enjoy the best of local produce. Image: Ethan Williams

Huntly burst into life as the Farmers’ Market returned, showcasing the best local produce on offer

The market this month took place indoors, upstairs at Number 30, providing a comfortable warm area for customers.

The event takes place on the first Saturday of every month and attracts large numbers of visitors and locals who are keen to support local vendors.

Despite the indoor setting, visitors enjoyed a lively atmosphere as they browsed a diverse selection of stalls featuring fresh produce, crafts and much more.

Photographer Ethan Williams went along to catch a glimpse of the day

Russel, Bethany and Megan. Image: Ethan Williams
The Liddle family children soak up the lively atmosphere at the Huntly Farmers’ Market. Image: Ethan Williams
All smiles from the Lewtas Family. Image: Ethan Williams
Sue at her “Sewn Scotland’ stall. Image: Ethan Williams
Sam and with mum Claire Kneale. Image: Ethan Williams
Busy indoor market. Image: Ethan Williams
The ‘Dropsanddachs’ stall. Image: Ethan Williams
Event coordinators Liz Cardan and Kay Thomson of ‘Your Vibe Events Management’ ensure everything runs smoothly at the Huntly Farmers’ Market. Image: Ethan Williams
The Pies ‘n’ pieces stall looks delish. Image: Ethan Williams
The Riddoch Family. Image: Ethan Williams
Evie and Peter explore the fantastic local produce on offer at the Huntly Farmers’ Market. Image: Ethan Williams
The Allardyce family enjoying a day out at the Huntly Farmers’ Market, browsing the best local produce. Image: Ethan Williams
Steven Woods and Zoe King. Image: Ethan Williams
Andrew Brooksbank at his ‘Bitsfromtheshed’ stall. Image: Ethan Williams
A stall showcasing ‘Neptune Coffee’ and ‘Barking Mad Textiles’. Image: Ethan Williams
Susan Grode and Jenna Christie at the ‘Christie’s Cake Creations’ Stall. Image: Ethan Williams
A photography stall by Eoghain Maclean. Image: Ethan Williams
Angela Robson with her son and Jimi at their ‘Angelic Alternatives’ stall. Image: Ethan Williams
Sandra Smith at her ‘Snochery Jock’s’ stall. Image: Ethan Williams
