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Mosque plans to take over closed motorbike showroom in Aberdeen city centre

The former motorbike business on Crown Street has been closed for some time, since Shirlaw's relocated to a spot near Cove.

The mosque would open on Crown Street if the plans are approved
The mosque would open on Crown Street if the plans are approved. Image: Denny Andonova/DC Thomson

A closed Crown Street motorbike showroom could be turned into a new Aberdeen mosque.

The former Shirlaws, at 92 Crown Street, has been shut for more than three years following the firm’s flit to Wellington Circle.

Documents sent to the council explain that the Madressa Educational Cultural Centre Aberdeen (Mecca) group have been eyeing up the building as members run out of room at their current base nearby…

The local Muslim community say there’s not enough room in this small building on Crown Terrace. Image: Denny Andonova/DC Thomson

The group has had a mosque at Crown Terrace since 2006, but it is now “not big enough for their followers”.

It also has no “defined female prayer hall”.

This has been a problem for leaders for some time, who have considered adding a first floor to the building and shared space with the church next door in the meantime.

The unassuming building could soon be left behind. Image: Denny Andonova/DC Thomson

How would Crown Street showroom become new Aberdeen mosque?

The shuttered showroom was built as a church in the late 19th century, and later became the Aberdeen Car Mart.

Shirlaws operated from the building for decades before closing in 2022.

It was originally built as St James’ Episcopal Chapel but became home to Aberdeen Car Mart. This image is from 1985. Image: DC Thomson
The building has fallen into disrepair since it closed. Image: Denny Andonova/DC Thomson 

Under the new plans, a shop would be created on the ground floor.

Architects say they would form a “large prayer hall for males” on the first floor, while a new second floor would be created with meeting rooms and a prayer hall for women.

Meanwhile, the small extension on the corner of Crown Street and Academy Street would be used as a cafe.

The building could become an Aberdeen Crown Street mosque
The extension would be given a foodie makeover under the proposal for the new Aberdeen city centre mosque. Image: Denny Andonova/DC Thomson 

What do you think of the plans? Let us know in our comments section below

And the extension along Academy Street would become a disabled prayer hall.

You can see the proposal in full on the Aberdeen City Council website.

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