A community group has revealed plans to build a 259ft wind turbine at the base of Mormond Hill.
Fraserburgh Development Trust has lodged plans to build the turbine, which it says will provide renewable energy for 25 years.
But the Joint Radio Company, which manages radio links between energy and public companies, has raised concerns about the project interfering with the current radio spectrum.
And in a letter to local authority planners, it has opposed the turbine being constructed.
“The JRC objection shall be withdrawn after simple analysis shows no issues; when a satisfactory coordination has been achieved and the zone of protection is implemented; or when an appropriate mitigation agreement is in place,” the company added.
The Ministry of Defence has also objected, saying the turbine will be detectable by its radar at Buchan which could throw up false aircraft returns.
The RSPB has raised its own issues.
Stopping short of objecting to the development trust’s bid, the bird welfare charity suggest that the cumulative impact of turbines in the area could begin to impact upon bird species.
Conservation officer Hywel Maggs said: “We do not feel that significantly negative impacts on birds are likely to occur if this proposal is consented.
“However, there are several proposals for similar sized turbines in this general area, in addition to the already operational turbines in the wider landscape.”
She has called for the council to carry out a post-construction cumulative impact assessment if the turbine goes ahead to give a better understanding understanding “of potential issues connected to the build up of turbines on birds”.
In a report submitted along with the application, Fraserburgh Development Trust’s agents, Orkney Sustainable Energy, has said that the rural area is “suitable” for the turbine.
The firm said that the area was not “dominated” by wind projects, and that the “the elevated and undulating open landscape in this part of Aberdeenshire appears to be suitable for these moderate-scaled wind turbines”.
Last month, the Scottish Government rejected an appeal by Turriff firm Muirden Energy to build a dozen 326ft turbines on the face of Mormond Hill.