Scientists from an Aberdeen university have welcomed a Japanese academic delegation as part of a drive to find ways to develop joint projects.
The team from Nagoya visited staff at Robert Gordon University (RGU) to boost the relationship with the RGU Interprofessional Education (IPE) research group, which began in 2012.
There have already been two successful funding bids to the Sasakawa Foundation for projects developing international interprofessional collaboration and RGU’s research team has hosted a number of overseas visits this summer including to Spain, Qatar and Japan.
In December, four members of the research team are presenting at the first interprofessional conference on IPE in Doha.
Professor Lesley Diack, from RGU’s school of pharmacy and life sciences, is a member of the RGU-Aberdeen University interprofessional education research group.
Prof Diack said: “We were honoured to welcome our colleagues from Nagoya University to RGU to discuss our research projects and what we can work on together in the future.
“We have built strong links between the two universities which has helped us develop and strengthen international interprofessional collaboration for the joint project team.”